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The last two days have been slightly trying for me. There is a cacophony of voices yelling in my head, telling me they have a story to be told. The problem is there are so many characters wanting their time in the limelight, I can't seem to focus on one. Ah the life of a writer.

As most of my followers might know I am on a writing break, a necessary evil to allow my novel Moribund to develop (if that's what you want to call it), or we could with mature like a good wine or cheese. Mmmm food. Anyway, apparently its recommended that writers allow some time to pass by before reading their book, so they go in with a fresh perspective. Only issue is one of the voices in my head is Evanee, and she's demanding I hurry the hell up and get back to work so her story can be heard.

Inspiration for Evanee

I tried really hard to stay away from my manuscript while I wait on feedback from my Beta Readers, but after two weeks I just couldn't wait any longer. I needed to read that blasted manuscript. It doesn't help that I secretly love my book and Evanee's story. Shhh, I wont tell, if you don't. Seriously though, for me I love how Evanee has evolved throughout the story; how she has overcome some serious hurdles to literally kick ass. I might have to end this blog soon, I'm already jonsing for my next hit of Moribund. I sincerely hope it won't be much longer before I am able to share my character's story with those of you reading this. As soon as my second edit is complete I'll be on to the next instalment of Evanee's story. She has quite a bit to say, and I'm happy to help her get it out there.

Till next time, you all have an awesome week and weekend. Keep doing what makes you happy, and what you love.

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