Writer Within
'There is no rest for the wicked.' What a cracker of a saying. As a writer this couldn't be truer. Our muse, creativity, or
whatever you may call it, never rests. Whether it's that moment before you fall asleep or as you are waking for the day, or perhaps while you are standing on the shore of the local dam waiting for your baby boy to be dropped off after a small fishing trip with his Dad. There is that part within us that evokes so much emotion it begs to take on a life of its own.
Even without views a writers mind and emotions are never still. Stuck in bed with the flu, my mind could not let go of my book, my very own artistic creation. What a powerful feeling it is to know your mind could produce something so unique and wondrous.
The mind is such a beautiful thing, so much to give yet so much to lose. Cherish and be grateful for all that is bestowed upon us, as nothing ever lasts as long as we wisht it to. Have a wonderful week ahead.