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A Book is Born

The idea for my book was delivered to me by my muse in a dream. Whispering quietly in my ear as I slept, she spoke of mystery, action, devotion, loyalty and love. Images of vampires and creatures not yet born lurked in the shadows waiting to be birthed. A young women on a journey of self-discovery, who can never quite stay out of trouble begged for a voice. And so my character and her sidekicks were born. 

Two years later and I have finally given my character the voice she wanted. Her story and her journey have begun. The feeling of accomplishing the first draft of your very first book is exhilarating to say the least. There are the obvious nerves, but pride in ones ability to accomplish such a feat overrules that negative voice whispering ‘is it actually any good.’

It truely is amazing with a little bit of help from your muse and a lot of determination, what one can accomplish. To those thinking of giving up, keep at it if only to feel that feeling you get once you finish what you started. 

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